Jake is now officially 6 weeks old and for the most part has had a good week. He is finally growing a bit better now that he is able to get some milk through his feeding tube. He weighs a big fat 1 pound and 11 ounces which still sounds so little but when looking at him we can actually begin to see a difference. If you think about it, he has just about doubled his weight and size since he was born. And because their wasn't much to double it makes a huge difference.
Jake's lungs are still just an uphill climb. They have stabilized since Monday which is great news but they aren't as good as what we had hoped. But the Dr's are glad that he made some improvement and they hope with each dose of the steroid he will improve more and more. The hernia's are still the other big issue. We did have the specialist come and look at them. He and Dr. Gerday still agree that it would be to risky to fix his hernias and they don't think the operation would last long; that his flesh in his tummy is still too weak and it would just tear again creating two new hernias. So for now we wait!
Cayden and Brooke now have been able to see Jake which has been great! Brookie loves looking through the window and watching Jake. In fact we have to drag her away from it when we're there. Cayden was surprised at just how small Jake really is. He had a bit of a crash course with a doll to prepare him for all of Jake's tubes and I think it did help because he has seemed to calm down a bit when we talk about Jake. Sometimes I think Cayden is a bit too smart for his age. It really took some time to prepare Cayden for his sick little brother. He is really worried that Jake will be in a wheel chair or that he won't be able to play or talk. All we can tell him is that Jake is so strong right now and only time will tell but that everything looks good so far with his brain and body. I will be posting new pictures soon of Jake with Rory's wedding ring and a new dollar bill picture that we took.